Metamask: Gnosis safe transfer from contract fails with EIP2930 “Out of gas”

Metamask Gnosis Safe Transfer Fails with EIP2930

Metamask: Gnosis safe transfer from contract fails with EIP2930

As an Ethereum development, However, when it comes to transferring Assets across Multiple Contract interfaces, such as contract and a gnosis safe, issues can arise quickly. In this article,

EIP2930: A Brief Background

The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) 2.0 is built on top of the web3.js and ethers.js APIS, which support a standardized interface for interacting with smart contracts called EIP-2771. One of these interfaces is EIP-2930, which allows you to execute transactions from one contract to another using a specific abi (application binary binary interface).

The Issue: Out of Gas

When Attempting to Transfer Assets Across Multiple Contract Interfaces, Such as Between a Contract and a Gnosis Safe, The EIP2930 Function Call May Fail Due to an” Out of Gas “error. This occurs because EIP-2771 allows for direct calls between contracts, which can lead to excessive gas usage if not properly managed.

The problem with using EIP2930 in Metamask

In However, when you try to do so, This can be attibuted to several reasons:


  • Insufficient Gas Budgeting : Without Proper Gas Budgeting,

  • Contract Interface Misconfiguration : Your Contract’s Abi Should Match EIP-2930’s Interface Requirements for Correct Execution.

Solutions to Overcome Out-of-Gas Errors

In your metamask setup, follow these best practices:

  • Verify Contract Interfaces

    : Ensure that your contracts’ Abis are correctly defined and match the requirements of EIP-2930.

  • Proper order of calls :



By following these guidelines, you should be able to successfully execute EIP-2930 Calls in your metamask setup without encountering out-of-the-gun errors.


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